
How Do 4 Carat Lab Grown Diamonds Compare to Natural Diamonds?

Diamonds are the most prized possession for the ladies in their jewel collection. But, we cannot just connect them to ladies, even men love to have these fixed in their watches, cufflinks, and other accessories. There is no doubt that a perfectly cut diamond can add much value to anything from an engagement ring to a tie pin and more. well, for everyone it’s not possible to afford a natural diamond then here comes the 4 carat lab diamonds into the scene. The lab grown precious stones are nothing less than the natural diamonds at all. Basically, the only difference in a 4 carat lab grown diamond and naturally grown one is the production 

Is this the only difference these two diamond categories possess? Well keep reading to find out more! 

The Origins and Formation

To dissect and evaluate between the lab-grown and natural diamonds lies in their formation process. Though the origin difference seems minor, it’s responsible for the actual difference, value, and quality of both diamonds. 

The natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth’s mantle in billions of years due to intense heat and pressure. The volcanic activities are responsible for bringing them closer to the earth surface and mined later. It’s the reason, each naturally grown diamond is unique, and has its significant characteristics. 

However, the lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment using the methods of High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). These methods simply mimic the natural pressures and heat conditions that eventually form diamonds. The controlled environment and processes expedite the procedure of diamond formation and yield the diamonds of different qualities in a couple of months or even weeks. 

Though these are produced differently, the physical appearance, hardness, brilliance make them optically identical. 

Quality Evaluation and Appearance

Even both types of diamonds look the same but they price differently due to their quality. Obviously, the natural diamonds have their significance of being naturally mined. However, the lab grown ones are cheap and made by humans. Still these are evaluated on four Cs—carat weight, cut, color, and clarity.

Carat Weight

Both lab-grown and natural diamonds have high carat weights, including 4-carat sizes. However, finding natural diamonds of this size are rarer. If available, then these are more valuable. 


Cut of a diamond adds more to its value. Both types of diamonds have the tendency to get the perfect cuts from the experts. Is possible to increase the brilliance of even the lab grown diamonds using the skill of diamond cutting such as heart shaped diamond. However, there are certain limitations involved. On contract, the natural diamonds are endless with cut possibilities. 


Natural diamonds are either colorless or have the shades of light yellow or brown. On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds offer more options for color customization. You can have the precise hues that may be less common in natural stones. 


Another thing that adds value to diamond is its clarity. The presence of inclusions or blemishes define the clarity of a diamond. In the naturally grown diamonds the chances of these inclusions are higher. However, the diamonds grown in the lab have a higher clarity as their inclusions are controlled due to the environment. 

Price Differences

Though you cannot have a physical difference in the natural and lab-grown diamonds, there is a significant difference in their prices. 

The natural diamonds are rare and obtained from the complex mining procedures. The build of each diamond is different from the other. The time, heat conditions, cuts and costs are different. It makes these diamonds expensive. 

On the other hand, these lab grown diamonds are almost 30-40% less expensive. These are produced under controlled conditions with more cost efficient options. Moreover, their controlled lab settings impact their price and quality that makes these a good alternative for diamond lovers. 

Are you looking for a cost efficient but best quality lab grown diamond that adds sparkle to your life with elegance? If yes, then Rare Carat diamond is the spot for you. Offering you unlimited options in the lab grown diamond, the company has to offer you a lot more than your expectations. 

When the real and lab grown diamonds do not have much differences then why not invest in something that is cost effective and gives you more variations. You can find out more about these 4 carat lab grown diamonds here in this video 

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